The last weekend I made a hiking trail by Patones and I loved it.
The route begins in the Plaza of the Constitution of the municipality of Patones de Abajo, where the City Council. We left the village to the left taking the M-102, down toward the river by Diezmos street.
Pasada la Casa de los Diezmos se puede observar un cruce de caminos, el nuestro continúa a la izquierda, con dirección Norte. De esta forma nos hayamos a orillas del famoso Canal de Cobarrús, construido en el siglo XVIII para el riego de la vega de los municipios de Patones, Torremocha de Jarama y Torrelaguna.
After the Diezmos House you can observe a crossroads, ours continues to the left, heading north. Thus we have on the famous Canal Cobarrús, built in the eighteenth century to irrigate the valley of the municipalities of Patones, Torremocha de Jarama and Torrelaguna.
Discurriendo por el camino a la izquierda de la hilera de chopos, se llega hasta la carretera N-102, la cual atravesamos continuando ahora la ruta por la Cañada de la Caleriza. Para tomar la cañada accederemos por un sendero situado a la derecha de una perrera. Subiendo hasta tomar un camino que tomamos hacia la derecha.
Running along the road to the left of the row of poplars, you reach the road N-102, which we go through now continuing the route of Caleriza Cañada. Going to take a path that we take to the right.
The route runs along a path that passes on the platform of the old waterways.
Later, we passed the weir Valdentales, known as the junction of the two rivers, because this is where the Lozoya and Jarama converge.
Continuamos por esta senda hasta alcanzar un camino por el que bajaremos de nuevo a la carretera, atravesándola y tomando a mano derecha, el camino asfaltado que conduce a la presa del Pontón de Oliva.
Continue along this path until you reach a path by which we descend back to the road, passing through it and taking a right hand, the asphalt road leading to the Pontón de la Oliva dam.
Caminamos aproximadamente 2 km., hasta llegar a la que fue la primera presa en suministrar agua a Madrid. El itinerario continúa por el sendero de gran recorrido denominado GR-10.
We walked about 2 km., Up to which was the first dam to supply water to Madrid. The route continues along the long distance footpath called GR-10.
After the visit to enjoy Patones de Arriba, we will continue our way to the place of departure route. To do this go down the M-912.
Do not miss Patones de Arriba, it's beautiful.
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