Risotto is a traditional Italian meal made of rice. To make a good risotto should be aware and have patience. The risotto is very easy to prepare.
It is a very handy dish as preparation follows the same process is done for two or ten people.
1/2 kilo de Arroz Arbóreo o Carnaroli.
1 Cebolla mediana.
100 gr de queso parmesano.
1 nuez de mantequilla.
Sal y pimienta.
1 litro de caldo.
250 gr de boletus.
Ingredients for four people:
1/2 kilo of rice or Carnaroli Arboreal.
1 medium onion.
100 gr of parmesan cheese.
1 walnut of butter.
Salt and pepper.
1 liter of broth.
250 gr of mushrooms.
1. En primer lugar ponemos a pochar cebolla con aceite de oliva y 150 gramos de boletus.
1. First we fry onion with olive oil and 150 grams of mushrooms.
2. In a caserolle pot, we prepare a broth of vegetables, meat or chicken.
3. Add the rice to the onion. We may use Arbóreo rice or Carnaroli rice, the latter is the best because it has more starch. The Arboreal takes to be between 15-20 minutes while the Carnaroli about 25-30 minutes. But it is best to constantly testing it.
We should be throwing rice and broth, stirring constantly. We can add salt but keep in mind that parmesane salt a lot.
4. Una vez el arroz está hecho, añadimos el resto de boletus.
4. Once the rice is done, add the rest of boletus.
5. Later we take a walnut of butter and parmesan. The cheese, which gets all the broth is left to remain very creamy.
6. Emplatamos y decoramos con láminas de parmesano y perejil.
6. we put in the dish and decorate with sliced parmesan and parsley.
7. If you have a leftover of risotto there is no problem. Let it cool and we can make some hamburgers that are going to made the next day at grilled. It´s called "Risotto al salto".
También se pueden hacer galletitas de risotto como aperitivo ¡Buenísimo!
You can also make risotto cookies as an appetizer. Delicious!
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