In today's post is time to take stock of the year, see what goals we have achieved and what not yet. As I consider it better to see the glass half full, I'll take the good things that has brought me this year.
No tengo derecho a quejarme, terminé mi carrera este 2013 y actualmente tengo trabajo. Desde aquí quiero mandar todo mi apoyo a aquellos que lo han perdido o que todavía no lo han encontrado, no perdáis la esperanza ¡Seguro que lo conseguiréis! Recordad que a la suerte hay que llamarla, por lo tanto, intentad ver siempre la parte positiva de las cosas y dar lo mejor de vosotros mismos. Con esfuerzo y constancia las cosas terminan saliendo.
I have no right to complain, I ended my career this 2013 and currently I have a job. From here I want to send my support to those who have lost or have not found it yet, do not lose hope sure you will get it! Remember that you have to call your luck, therefore, try to always see the bright side of things and give the best of yourself. With effort and perseverance you will get whatever you want.
Además gracias a vosotros he conseguido disfrutar muchísimo haciendo este blog, me hace muy feliz cuando me decís que os ha gustado algún post, que os habéis reído de algo o que simplemente he formado parte de un ratito de ocio de vuestro día que os ha ayudado a descontectar de la rutina. Gracias también a las críticas constructivas que me han ayudado mucho a mejorar.
Also thanks to you I enjoyed a lot doing this blog, it makes me very happy when you say that you liked some post, when you have laughed at something or I've just been part of your day that you helped. Thanks also to constructive criticism which helped me a lot to improve.
To 2013 I also have to say thank you for having found a guy who treats me like a princess and loves me. I also give thanks for having a family and friends who support me in everything I do and also for Lifestyle followers who stay with me every day.
Pedirle más cosas al 2014 sería injusto por mi parte, aunque siempre existe alguna carencia. Sin embargo, me gustaría pedir para todos salud y felicidad. Con esas dos cosas y con ilusión todo se puede.
Feliz año nuevo!
Asking more from the 2014 would be unfair on my part, but there is always something lacking. However, I would ask for health and happiness for everybody. With those two things and hopefully everything is possible.
Happy new year!
Un beso muy fuerte,
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